Server Side Includes (SSI) is a simple server-side language, which enables you to include text from a specific source inside a website. In the most popular case, the text from one file is integrated in a different one, giving a site the sense that it is dynamic. As an example, if your website comprises of 10 pages, 5 of them can easily include the content of any kind of file, for example horoscope.txt. As soon as you modify this text file, the new content will appear on all five web pages, which shall let you bring up to date your website faster and easier than if you had to change part of all 5 web pages. Server Side Includes is occasionally employed to include the output of simple commands, scripts or functions as well - a hit counter that's shown on the website, the current date and time or the customer's IP address. Every web page that works by using SSI must have a special extension - .shtml.
Server Side Includes in Shared Hosting
All shared hosting packages we offer you support Server Side Includes, so you're able to include dynamic elements to any static site that you host on our cloud system. By making a clear .htaccess file and typing in a couple of lines of code within it, you're able to activate SSI for a domain name or perhaps a subdomain. The file in question must be in the particular folder where you are going to use SSI and you can find the code in our Frequently Asked Questions section, which means you do not need any kind of coding experience. The 24/7 tech support staff will also be able to assist you with activating Server Side Includes if you are not confident how to proceed. You should additionally make sure to change the extension of all of the files that are going to use SSI from .html to .shtml and make certain that the links on your site lead to the appropriate files.
Server Side Includes in Semi-dedicated Hosting
If you get a semi-dedicated server package through us, it will be easy to enable Server Side Includes with only a few mouse clicks and for every domain name or subdomain of your preference. We have in-depth Help article about the subject you could find in your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel. All it takes to enable Server Side Includes is to copy a handful of lines from the article inside an .htaccess file that you should set up in the main folder of the domain name/subdomain and you'll be all set. You need to simply be sure that all files implementing SSI have the proper extension i.e. .shtml, not simply .html, as well as that the links on your website are kept up to date and lead to the by now updated files.